«Con Marx y contra Marx»: el materialismo en Pierre Bourdieu

  • Alicia B. Gutiérrez
Keywords: Bourdieu, Marx, Knowlodge theory, Classes, Economy of practices


Bourdieu has explicitly said along hiswork that his theoretical construction has been inspired in the pillars of Sociology: Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber. For this reason, when emphasizing the presence of materialism in Pierre Bourdieu, it is necessary at the same time to make reference to the other sociologists above mentioned. Referring ti Marx’ approaches, the reject to pure theory is pointed out as well as the construction of the scientific fact, the insistence on the explanation of social phenomena by its social and historical causes, the principle of the «non-conscience», and the illusion of transparency, the relational conception of the social events and the agonistic conception of the social action. In the dialectic approaches-ruptures with Marx, the «economy of practices» and the theory of classes are specially treated and its two dimensions: its construction and its role explaining social practices.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez A. B. (2003). «Con Marx y contra Marx»: el materialismo en Pierre Bourdieu . Revista Complutense de Educación, 14(2), 453-482. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCED/article/view/RCED0303220453A