proyección educativa de la inteligencia afectiva.

  • valentin Matinez- Otero Perez
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional development, integral education, formative projection,


Althoughit can be seen a change, nowdays education has got a strong cognitive feature. the afective trend continues being the forgotten subject in the curriculum. the new milenium school cannot gve up the challenge of educating in harmony, from the respect to individual differences, all the aspects of one`s personality. there are not any widely accepted propositions yet that can lead the pedagogical praxis wich is lauched to cultivate such dimension, and the obstacles wich fiad iniciatives of this kind aren´t just few. in this article the concept od affective intelligence is analized as to a mixture of racional and emotional processes that has to receive aducative attention. so, piaget, perspective is described as the relationship between intelligence and sensitivity, and some pedagogical keys wich are supposed to influence in ann improvement in the educative process,are offered.


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How to Cite
Matinez- Otero Perez v. . (2003). proyección educativa de la inteligencia afectiva. Revista Complutense de Educación, 14(1), 57-81.