Teaching digital competence and use of digital technologies in university education

Keywords: higher education, educational technology, information and communication technologies, teaching staff, Teaching tools


INTRODUCTION. This article analyses the research results on the relationship between digital teaching competence (CDD) and the digital technologies (DT) use, to support higher education at the University of Nariño (Colombia); this includes the evaluation of digital educational resources use, technological devices and different types of digital tools. The project is based on the need to determine the results obtained after the implementation of the institutional strategy to promote the use and appropriation of these technologies in the educational process, so that there is evidence to support decision-making for its improvement. METHOD. The methodology used for the research was quantitative, non-experimental, with a descriptive and correlational scope. For this, two duly validated questionnaires were used, made up of closed questions, which were applied to a sample of 162 teachers from different faculties. RESULTS. The results indicate that about a half of teachers make very frequent use of different tools, digital content and technological devices; likewise, it is shown that there is a close relationship between technologies frequency use and teaching staff self-perceived CDD level. DISCUSSION. The discussion addresses the importance and usefulness of the results obtained, with a view to developing concrete actions to improve the indicators evaluated. In addition, it is analysed how research in this field provides important information, so that universities can design improvement plans and use of available TD, as occurred in the evaluated university. The study model that has been developed can be transferable to other Higher Education institutions.


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Author Biographies

Luis Eduardo Paz Saavedra

Graduate in "Licenciatura en Informática" from the University of Nariño, specializing in University Teaching from the same university. I have a Master's Degree in Educational Informatics from the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana of Chile and a Master's Degree in Multimedia Technology from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Currently, I am studying a doctorate in Educational Technology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain. I work as a professor of the "Licenciatura en Informática" program at the University of Nariño and coordinator of the "Informatics, Society and Education research group" of the same university. I am author of the book "Informática y Educación en Pasto", author of several research articles and speaker at various national and international academic events, on topics related to informatics and education. Furthermore, I have four years of experience as a teacher of Preschool, Basic and Secondary Education in Informatics area, and twenty years of experience as a teacher at the University of Nariño. My professional and academic work is focused on the study of the role of computing in education, as well as the use of information and communication technologies in training processes.

Mercè Gisbert Cervera

Catedrática de Tecnología Educativa de Departamento de Pedagogía de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona especialista en TIC's aplicadas a la Educación. IP del grupo de investigación consolidado ARGET: Applied Research Group Education and Technology. Ha sido IP de diversos proyectos de investigación sobre TIC y Educación: GET, PupitreNet (MCYT), DUCANET (MECD), SIMUL@, SIMUL@B, COMDID, Observ@COMDID, entre otros. Coordina, en la URV, el Doctorado Interuniversitario en Tecnología Educativa (UM, UIB, UdL, URV).
Ha ocupado diversos cargos de gestión, entre otros: Vicedecana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Psicología (1995-1997), directora del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (1998–2001) i Vicerrectora de Política Docente y Convergencia al EEES (2002-2010). Entre el 2011-2015 ha sido miembro del Consejo Escolar de Catalunya y entre el 2012-2019 ha sido miembro del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y de les Artes de Catalunya. Desde el 2021 es vocal del Consejo Superior de Evaluación del Sistema Escolar de Catalunya. Desde el mes de diciembre del 2021 es vocal del Consejo Superior de Evaluación del Sistema Educativo.
El año 2014 recibió el Premio a la Innovación Docente del Consejo Social de la URV (modalidad colectiva) y el premio a la Calidad Docente Jaume Vicens Vives de la Generalitat de Catalunya. El año 2018 recibió el premio al Impacto Social de la Investigación del Consejo Social de la URV y en el 2020 uno de los premios de Valorización de la Investigación que otorga la URV. Es miembro de diferentes asociaciones internacionales como: EDUTEC (Asociación para el desarrollo de la Tecnología Educativa), ATEE (Association of Teacher Education in Europe), ISATT (International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching)

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How to Cite
Paz Saavedra L. E. y Gisbert Cervera M. (2024). Teaching digital competence and use of digital technologies in university education. Revista Complutense de Educación, 35(4), 809-821. https://doi.org/10.5209/rced.90033