Systematic review of the scientific literature on the inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals in the Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain

Keywords: secondary education, sustainable development, social change, aims of education, development policy


INTRODUCTION. The link between development and education goes back a long way, and is now understood as an inseparable binomial. Since the publication in 2015 of the 2030 Agenda, sustainable development as a political, economic and cultural project has become stronger than ever. This social demand represents a real challenge for the Spanish education system, which needs to promote learning in key competences in order to advance towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this sense, this paper presents a systematic review of the scientific literature on the inclusion of development education in the Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain. METHOD. A two-phase analysis was carried out following the guidelines and orientations of the PRISMA Declaration. Eighteen articles were analysed after a screening of 119 papers. RESULTS. Among the main results, we found a certain thematic bias in the approach to the SDGs, as well as a predominance of specific and incipient curricular proposals. Higher Education is particularly involved, being directly responsible for the training of future education professionals. The SDGs cannot be achieved in isolation; the support of all the agents involved in the educational process is necessary. DISCUSSION. The need to continue working in a sustained manner on curricular experiences and practices defending social participation and planetary citizenship as educational values on the rise is pointed out. As higher education is particularly committed to the SDGs, universities are called upon to commit to sustainable management while strengthening their curricular and extracurricular programming. As the achievement of the SDGs is a task for society as a whole, transdisciplinary and community-based approaches are called for.


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Author Biographies

Diana, University of Jaen

Profesora Titular del Área de Teoría e Historia de la Educación de la Universidad de Jaén. Doctora con mención internacional, miembro del grupo FORCE y de la Red RIDIPD. Sus principales líneas de investigación son la Educación de adultos y la Educación Superior. 

Manuel Morales-Valero, University of Málaga

Profesor Ayudante Doctor dentro del área de Teoría e Historia de la Educación en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y M.I.D.E. de la Universidad de Málaga. Licenciado en Pedagogía y Doctor cum laude, por la Universidad de Granada. Máster en Dirección de Recursos Humanos, Gestión de la Calidad y Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Diez años de experiencia en consultoría de formación y desarrollo de recursos humanos para organizaciones públicas y privadas. Principales líneas de investigación: relaciones formación-empleo, formación profesional, desarrollo local-rural y emprendimiento.

Esther Prieto-Jiménez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Profesora Contratada Doctora del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Directora General de Innovación Social de la citada Universidad. Coordinadora del Máster en Educación para el Desarrollo. Directora de la Cátedre Iberoamericana de Educación en Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo Sostenible. Entre las líneas de investigación destacan: Educación para el Desarrollo, Innovación Social, Educación Comparada y Diseño y Gestión de proyectos socioeducativos.

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How to Cite
Diana, Morales-Valero M. y Prieto-Jiménez E. (2024). Systematic review of the scientific literature on the inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals in the Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain. Revista Complutense de Educación, 35(3), 597-608.