The psychoeducational impact of the Flipped Classroom methodology in Higher Education: a systematic theoretical review
- Lucía Sánchez Soto Universidad de Salamanca
- Judit García-Martín Universidad de Salamanca
At present, result an assumed fact among the scientific community that learning must be centered on the student, leaving behind the expository model centered on the teacher prevailing in the last century since one of the way to learn by doing. In this context, the Flipped Classroom methodology or inverted class becomes a strategic methodological approach. That is why a systematic theoretical review is carried out, following the PRISMA statement, of 45 experimental articles published in the last five years (2016-2020) in scientific journals of impact with which it is intended to study the psychoeducational impact of this methodology in two types of variables: emotional and cognitive. The emotional ones include motivation, participation, collaboration, and satisfaction; and the cognitive ones, on the other hand, encompass performance, creativity, autonomy, self-efficacy, problem solving and critical thinking. The results show that the use of the Flipped Classroom produces positive effects on most of the variables examined.
Author Biography
Profesora Ayudante Doctora del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Universidad de Salamanca.
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