Fraudulent behaviors among undergraduate students in the time of COVID-19

Keywords: Dishonesty, fraudulent behavior, university, formative evaluation, student
Agencies: The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by the Innovation Project from the University of Zaragoza (PIIDUZ_19_2_278), the CREVALOR (S42_20R) and COMPETE (S52_20R) research groups of the Government of Aragon (SPAIN) and FEDER (2014-2020 “Construyendo Europa desde Aragón”).


The pandemic has led to the establishment of an emergency remote teaching and an emergency remote evaluation. The new context has favored fraudulent behavior in university students. Studying this phenomenon and determining the most frequent behaviors is the objective of the paper. In August 2020, a questionnaire on unethical behavior in evaluation (assignments and exams) was sent to undergraduate students at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zaragoza. Descriptive analyzes and tests to determine the existence of significant differences are applied to the 330 valid cases. Our main result stands out that there are few unethical behaviors observed on a regular basis, but they are observed with great frequency. Not collaborating equitably in teamwork, copying the work of another student and doing poor work are the most common behaviors in terms of preparing work that is being evaluated. And with respect to those observed during the exams, they are still the classic fraudulent behaviors: using illegal material (in its two variants, paper and more technological), asking the answer and being copied on the exam. It stands out that the characteristic with which the most differences are observed is sex. Discussion: These unethical behaviors are still established in our educational environment and ICTs, far from limiting them, favor them. Given that university institutions are not only responsible for training professionals with high knowledge and skills, but also responsible professionals with moral and ethical integrity, it is essential to consider possible training and corrective measures to limit these behaviors.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Marzo-Navarro, Universidad de Zaragoza

Mercedes Marzo-Navarro es Profesora Titular de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Zaragoza; y miembro del Grupo de investigación CREVALOR: Creación de Valor en las Organizaciones, reconocido por el Gobierno de Aragón. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en: calidad en la educación superior, marketing de relaciones y marketing de servicios. Es autora de numerosas comunicaciones presentadas en congresos educativos tanto nacionales como internacionales y ha publicado diversas revistas, entre otroas: Revista de Educación, International Journal Of Educational Management, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence., Education + Training, International Journal Of Training And Development, , Industry And Higher Education, Journal of Education and Work, Quality In Higher Education, Quality Assurance in Education y Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa.

Marisa Ramírez-Alesón, Universidad de Zaragoza

Marisa Ramírez Alesónes catedrática de Universidad de Organización de Empresas en la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Zaragoza; y directora del Grupo de investigación COMPETE: Análisis Empresarial y Competitividad, reconocido por el Gobierno de Aragón. Fue profesora visitante en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, durante cinco meses, y en la Universidad de Temple (Filadelfia, EEUU), durante dos años. La internacionalización, la innovación y el análisis empresarial son sus líneas de investigación preferentes, y donde se centran la mayor parte de sus publicaciones; pero también son los temas docentes principales.

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How to Cite
Marzo-Navarro M. . y Ramírez-Alesón M. (2023). Fraudulent behaviors among undergraduate students in the time of COVID-19. Revista Complutense de Educación, 34(1), 145-155.