Validation of a middle leadership questionnaire for teachers responsible for a subject department

Keywords: leadership, questionnaire, educational administration, teacher, factor analysis


INTRODUCTION. Due to the importance of pair leadership, the need of highlighting the role of teachers in middle leadership positions and the absence of a validated instrument to identify practices and be used in Spanish-speaking countries, the objective of this study is to report the validation and results of a Spanish adapted version of the Middle Leadership practice questionnaire designed by Highfield (2012). METHOD. Through different translation processes as well as validation by a panel of experts, the pilot questionnaire was applied to a sample of Chilean teachers (n= 402) at schools in Santiago, Chile. The validity and reliability of the instrument was calculated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and the Cronbach's Alpha test. RESULTS. The results reveal that the adapted questionnaire shows satisfactory levels of validity (CFI= .90; TLI= .90; RMSEA= .079; SRMR= .051) and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha= .96), offering a tool in Spanish to measure Middle Leadership in similar contexts. DISCUSSION. The results of the questionnaire allowed determining that Chilean teachers differentiate 3 of the 5 Middle leadership practices present in previous studies and perceived 2 of them (focus on results and positive learning environment) as one. This questionnaire will make the identification


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Sepúlveda, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Ricardo Sepúlveda is Master in Educational Administration and Ph.D in Education. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.  Adjoint Professor in the Master of Education, Educational Management and Leadership Programme, Faculty of Education. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has worked as a teacher at public and private schools, leadership trainning and research related to middle leadership, school imporvement projects and teacher trainning.

Paulo Volante, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Paulo Volante is Master of Business Administration and Ph.D in Psychology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Associate professor and director of the Educational Theory and Policy department, Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has worked as a teacher, scholar, researcher, and advisor for private and public educational institutions. His lines of research  are related to school management, instructional leadership, and school improvement projects.

Maximiliano Montenegro, Pontificia Universidad de la Serena (Chile)

Maximiliano Montenegro is Bachelor of Science and Ph.D in Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Ph.D Science Teaching, Ohio State University. He has been Assistant Professor of the didactics department, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and currently a member of the interdisciplinary research group Factoría Ideas. His lines of research are focused on learning in Science and focused on measuring curricular coherence, science assessment and classroom interaction.

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How to Cite
Sepúlveda R., Volante P. y Montenegro M. (2022). Validation of a middle leadership questionnaire for teachers responsible for a subject department. Revista Complutense de Educación, 33(3), 435-445.