Using of ICT and LKT in higher education:
A bibliometric analysis
- Jennifer Lorena Gómez Contreras Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
- Cristian Alberto Bonilla Torres Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
- Yuri Catherine Esteban Ojeda Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
INTRODUCTION. This paper analyzes the scientific output on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) to improve pedagogical innovation and/or teaching/learning processes in distance and/or virtual higher education. METHODOLOGY. The information was searched for systematically in seven academic databases. The data were analyzed around 11 bibliometric indicators. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: the concept of ICT prevails regarding the use of tools such as MOOC, social networks, virtual learning environments, as well as in pedagogical trends, such as e-Learning and B-learning, collaborative learning, and digital skills, with LKTs being an incipient concept in the research. There is also evidence that authors would rather have research papers present the results of their research. Spain is among the countries with the largest output, while Latin American countries' output on this subject, such as Colombia's and Argentina's, has grown and English is dominant in the publications analyzed. On the other hand, the universities using distance education are the ones publishing the most on this subject, and the authors with the highest output are classified as medium-sized producers according to the Lotka Law.
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