The university and the teaching training in Brazil: brands and contradictions

  • Silvia Regina Canan Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI
  • Edite Maria Sudbrack Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI
Keywords: Higher Education, Teaching and training, economic environment, knowledge


The aim of this article is to provoke a discussion regarding the issue of the contradictions that surround university and teacher training in Brazil, trying to understand the contradictions of the historical process of constitution of the Brazilian university. The problematization is involved in an agenda of discussions on policies for higher education and intervention of international organizations. This is a review on the state of the art through a theoretical study, anchored to studies developed by the Nucleus of studies and research in policies and processes of higher education (Neppes). It points out the different brands that were part of the constitution of higher education in Brazil and the centrality that has dominated it, through a model of university that caters preferentially to private interests. These have occupied the gaps that were leaving institutions and public policies, transforming the universities into lucrative business desks, culminating in the loss of their autonomy. In this way, universities begin to develop research that satisfies the market. Thus, it is questioned: Is it possible to go beyond this mercantilist model? This is the challenge and the main question that we seek to answer in this work.


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Author Biographies

Silvia Regina Canan, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI

Licenciada en Pedagogía, Maestría en Educación y Doctorado en Educación. Professora en la URI - Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - Campus de Frederico Westphalen/RS/Brasil, desde agosto de 1990. Docente del Posgrado Stricto Sensu en Educación - Maestría, en el Posgrado Lato Sensu y en cursos de Licenciaturas. Campo de investigación: Didáctica, Prácticas de Enseñanza y Gestión de la Educación. Actualmente es Directora-General de la URI - Campus de Frederico Westphalen/RS/Brasil.

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Edite Maria Sudbrack, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões - URI

Licenciada en Pedagogía, Maestría y Doctorado en Educación. Coordinadora y docente del Programa de Posgrado en Educación y profesora del Curso de Pedagogía de la Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, URI, Brasil. Temas: educación, formación docente, evaluación a gran escala, gestión, políticas públicas y educacionales. Integra la Red Iberoamericana de investigación en políticas y procesos en la/de la educación superior.

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How to Cite
Canan S. R. y Sudbrack E. M. (2019). The university and the teaching training in Brazil: brands and contradictions. Revista Complutense de Educación, 30(1), 131-145.