The place of conflict in the pedagogical knowledge of art teachers in secundary school

  • María Rosario García-Huidobro Munita Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Teaching experience, art education, conflict, career development, gender studies, secundary education


This research sought to understand how a group of teachers, in secondary education in Chile, has been conforming their pedagogical knowledge from their personal and artistic experiences. The study was developed from a narrative methodology, where the stories of the participants were considered as experiences of knowledge. This article focuses on explaining one of the dimensions that, after the analysis of the study, was considered central in the knowledge of the participants: the place of the conflict. To do this, after placing the framework from where teaching knowledge is situated, we focus on counting the conflicts that are linked to the experience of being a woman and mother and how that experience influences art teaching. It also reviews the conflicts that arise from normative experiences linked to the curriculum. Finally, it is related how the conflicts lived along the profesional development conform political configurations in the teaching knowledge and a teaching position of opening to the new things. Finally, we point out the importance of the conflicts in the pedagogical experiences, since to be multiple they are configured as necessary knowledges that form a political space of constant professional learning. In addition, they allow us to understand that teacher knowledge is not something fixed or simply cognitive, since the various conflicts experienced in personal and professional experience mobilize knowledge in the classroom and transform it.


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Author Biography

María Rosario García-Huidobro Munita, Universidad de Barcelona

Licenciada en Artes Visuales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y en pedagogía en la Universidad Gabriela Mistral. Máster y Doctora en Artes y Educación por la Universidad de Barcelona.

Actualmente me desarrollo como artista visual, desarrollando proyectos con grupos de mujeres y como profesora de artes, enfocando la enseñanza artística de manera autodidácta hacia grupos de mujeres y madres e hijas en Barcelona

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How to Cite
García-Huidobro Munita M. R. (2018). The place of conflict in the pedagogical knowledge of art teachers in secundary school. Revista Complutense de Educación, 29(4), 959-973.