Inclusion and performance: the effect of education policies in higher education. A study applied to the Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina)

  • María María Ibañez Martín Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina).
  • María Florencia Arnaudo Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina).
  • Silvia Susana Morresi Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina).
Keywords: Inclusion, higher education, politics.


In higher education the college dropout and prolonging the years of study are problems that undermine the chances of inclusion of young people. To moderate these problems the Secretariat of University Policies has implemented a series of improvement programs, focused mainly on applied sciences. The aim of the paper is to analyze whether such programs had an impact on the performance of students’ cohort 2010 and 2011 UNS comparing students of applied sciences students of other races versus using ordered logistic models. It is concluded that improvement programs would generate a reduction in attrition and increased student retention. It could also preliminarily thought that retention achieved is inclusive.


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How to Cite
Ibañez Martín M. M., Arnaudo M. F. y Morresi S. S. (2017). Inclusion and performance: the effect of education policies in higher education. A study applied to the Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina). Revista Complutense de Educación, 29(3), 699-717.