Explanatory factors of acquiring English oral comprehension skills in secondary education: a comparison between Spain and The Netherlands

  • María González Villarón Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Inmaculada Egido Gálvez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: teaching and learning foreign languages, oral comprehension, quantitative research


Based on the current relevance of foreign language education and acquisition, this article presents a statistical analysis of the data provided by Spain and The Netherlands from the First European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC) (European Commission, 2012a). The intention of the statistical analysis of this data is to shed light on two main issues. First, it offers a description of student performance in both countries, regarding oral comprehension in English at the end of the stage of compulsory secondary education. Secondly, it delves into potential explanatory factors of performance in English in this evaluated skill area in both contexts, analyzing the influence which certain variables, related to students’ own characteristics, family and school environment, reveal. The article’s final aim, based on the conclusions, is to propose ideas for reflection, thought and improvement in the teaching and learning of foreign languages in Spain, particularly in the area of oral comprehension. The article concludes with the necessity to understand how some factors which are not directly related to the school system determine, to some extent, the success of the implementation of the diverse initiatives in the field of second language acquisition. In this sense, ESLC analysis highlights the incidence of various elements in the process of learning a foreign language.


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Author Biographies

María González Villarón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Licenciada en Psicopedagogía y Maestra en Educación Infantil. Actualmente trabaja como maestra especialista impartiendo enseñanza bilingüe en inglés en el CEIP Cantos Altos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Ha participado en diferentes programas de formación en distintos países del extranjero. Su actividad investigadora se centra en la enseñanza de las lenguas extranjeras y en su desarrollo dentro de los distintos sistemas educativos.

Inmaculada Egido Gálvez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctora en Pedagogía por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia con Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Es Profesora Titular en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, habiendo sido acreditada como Catedrática de Universidad. Su actividad investigadora se centra en el área de la política educativa comparada. En la actualidad es Presidenta de la Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada.

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How to Cite
González Villarón M. y Egido Gálvez I. (2016). Explanatory factors of acquiring English oral comprehension skills in secondary education: a comparison between Spain and The Netherlands. Revista Complutense de Educación, 28(2), 591-607. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_RCED.2017.v28.n2.49634