Teacher’s perspectives about the improving and strengthening of vocational education and training

  • Rocío Lorente García Universidad de Granada (Grupo de Investigación Políticas y Reformas Educativas)
Keywords: Vocational education and training, Educational reform, Teacher’s Narratives


Vocational education is a formative stage that due to its connection with the work setting environment, has undergone numerous reforms. Specifically, in the last decade, the most significant changes have claimed to link vocational education with employment policies. The construction of the new Spanish framework for vocational education and training is circumscribed in the European educational policy. It is aimed to configure the transparency, harmonization, trans-national recognition and professional qualifications in Europe to build up the way for the rebuilding of the single European market. This has meant an enhancement of this formative stage that has historically been considered in our country as "second class" education. However, vocational education teachers still think that there are issues that need to be changed to improve and promote it. This article analyses the teacher’s narrative about the deficiencies and challenges of vocational education as well as the future challenges to which vocational education will have to overcome. This study focuses on the analysis of fifty qualitative interviews carried out in Andalucía with vocational education teachers’.


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Author Biography

Rocío Lorente García, Universidad de Granada (Grupo de Investigación Políticas y Reformas Educativas)

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por las Universidades de Granada y Roma-Tor Vergata. Desde 2006, año en que se incorporó al grupo de Investigación «Políticas y Reformas Educativas», de la Universidad de Granada como becaria predoctoral adscrita al Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía «Articulación de políticas públicas en la formación profesional específica a través del diseño de competencias», desarrolla su investigación en materias de política, reformas educativas y educación comparada.




How to Cite
Lorente García R. (2014). Teacher’s perspectives about the improving and strengthening of vocational education and training. Revista Complutense de Educación, 26(1), 47-66. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_RCED.2015.v26.n1.42474