El trailer cinematográfico: historia de un género publicitario en EE. UU.

  • Jon Dornaleteche Ruiz
Keywords: National Screen Service, Andrew J Kuehn, Movie trailer, Advertising genre, Cinema, History


The history of movie trailers in USA deserves a special attention due to the role it plays in the evolution of the movie industry nowadays. In order to understand movie trailers at the present time, it is necessary to comprehend its evolution. From a rhetorical perspective, movie trailers have evolved to respond to the public’s needs and have proved to be me most efficient and profitable way to market any given movie. The movie market, in that sense, seeks for the perfect marketing strategy every time a new movie is released.


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How to Cite
Dornaleteche Ruiz J. . (2010). El trailer cinematográfico: historia de un género publicitario en EE. UU. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 3(1), 163-180. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/PEPU/article/view/PEPU0909120163A