M-Advertising Another way of thinking about marketing and its impact In the usage/consumption ratio

  • Hedilberto Granados López Universidad Católica de Manizales
Keywords: use/consumption, Mobile marketing, new screens.


Commercial actions today show that mobile platforms or new screens represent an effective and strategic way to encourage people the need to communicate and inform immediately your consumption needs. The Act of communication from the perspective of advertising communication is thus establishes an approach aimed at persuasion and strategic consumption of goods and services. Hence, that advertising aims in part, establish the possibility of optimization of possible ways to think about the marketing within a core of personal action through intentional communication of symbolic mode marks, or what could notice in the case of mobile marketing, the staging of a commercial type channeled through a mobile phone or a screen action whose central objective is to direct persuasion for the consumption of goods and services within the framework of a movement of marketing that makes evident, the transformation of the action in the world of marketing vehicles.


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How to Cite
Granados López H. (2015). M-Advertising Another way of thinking about marketing and its impact In the usage/consumption ratio. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 8(1), 11-23. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_PEPU.2014.v8.n1.48384