For a mediological interpretation of the relationship between art and advertising

  • Alberto Abruzzese Facoltá de Turismo, Milano
Keywords: art, advertising, media, innovation, training


The relationship between art and advertising can only be understood by focusing on the intersectionsamong social and technical innovations. All the people who study social sciences must be aware ofmedia theories and media studies: the media should be studied for their relationships with institutions,consumption, policies and governance of conflicts, research and training in the fields of work and art.Starting from here we can also understand what is and what will be the different level of innovationbetween university studies and market procedures. The relationship between art and advertising has todo with the language of goods and its relation to the language of art. Just as the aesthetic and thecomsumption spheres, this relationship undergoes a new acceleration due to the dissemination ofhuman body and its faculties made possible by technological development. The power of hybridizationbetween organic and inorganic works to undermine the values of Humanism and thus the pillarsof the forms of knowledge and representation of the Western civilization of the world. Art as it hasbeen conceived by Humanism and modernity is thus refractory to the dimension of present time. Twoworlds in asymmetrical relationship. From here we have to find a starting point, if we want to find aninnovative way of thinking about their opposition and their convergence.


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How to Cite
Abruzzese A. (2012). For a mediological interpretation of the relationship between art and advertising. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 6, 89-101.