A Proposal of a Tool for Content Analysis of Product Placement in Audiovisual Content.

  • José Martí Parreño Universitat de València.
Keywords: product placement, content analysis, methodology, marketing communications, research tools


Product placement is gaining momentum within advertisers´ marketing communications. This communication tool has been quickly evolving in nowadays media environment and has become a much more complex tool used to achieve different marketing goals. This interest in the market has also increase the academic interest about product placement. Despite this growing interest there is a lack of a tool broadly accepted that allow researchers to identify the different categories of product placement that can be detected in a broad range of audiovisual content. This paper has as a main objective the development of such an analysis tool using a content analysis methodology.


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Author Biography

José Martí Parreño, Universitat de València.
Departamento de Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados. Facultad de Economía



How to Cite
Parreño J. M. (2012). A Proposal of a Tool for Content Analysis of Product Placement in Audiovisual Content. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 5(2), 65-92. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_PEPU.2011.v5.n2.37864