Los medios propios de los clubes de fútbol españoles. De la revista oficial a los canales de TDT

  • Xavier Ginesta Portet
Keywords: Football clubs, Information and Communication Technologies, Own media, Fanzine and corporate web page


Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for communication tasks in sports organizations means the increase of the own media of these organizations to reach their stakeholders. In some cases, these own media allow the globalization of sport brands, such us Barça or Real Madrid, but in other cases, they also reinforce the feeling of belonging to a community, such us the analogical radio services of both Sevillian football clubs: Sevilla FC and Real Betis. The aim of this article is to show some of the main results of the PhD thesis about ICT and sport of this researcher, focusing the attention at the own media that Spanish football clubs created in the digital age.


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How to Cite
Ginesta Portet X. . (2010). Los medios propios de los clubes de fútbol españoles. De la revista oficial a los canales de TDT. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 16, 145-166. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP1010110145A