Jóvenes y prensa en papel en la era Internet. Estudio de hábitos de lectura, criterios de jerarquía de noticias, satisfacción con los contenidos informativos y ausencias temáticas

  • Miguel Túñez
Keywords: Newsmaking, Profile of audience, Penetration rate, Youth-Newspapers


In addition to analyzing trends in youth-newspapers relations, this paper focuses on identifying patterns and frequency of consumption (read and buy), the demands of new content, the attitudes of young people towards the newspaper and the differences in the selection of news values that show a lack of harmony in the newspapers and their young in the criteria for ranking and selection of thematic issues of today. These are the results of a survey of over 1.000 university students, with an on-line monitoring at 450 who received in their universities a free press copy on paper for three months.


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How to Cite
Túñez M. . (2009). Jóvenes y prensa en papel en la era Internet. Estudio de hábitos de lectura, criterios de jerarquía de noticias, satisfacción con los contenidos informativos y ausencias temáticas . Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 15, 503-524. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP0909110503A