Tendencias en la formación de los periodistas en los ámbitos hispanos y lusófonos en el siglo XXI

  • Xosé López García
Keywords: Formation plans, Journalists, Hispanic and Portuguese-speaking universities


The experience gained during the last decades by the studies of Communication in the Anglo-Saxon, Hispanic and Portuguese-speaking universities has had three clear consequences: a progressive incorporation of these studies in most of the centres of higher education of the main countries in the world, with different programmes and through very different routes; an increase in the number of researches on the sector, and an increasing interest to adapt the formation to the new profiles that have appeared in the different mediums. The efforts made in these years in Brazil, Spain and Portugal in this field show, as we will try to present in this work, result of a compared study of the three cases, some differences, several coincidences and a shared objective: initiatives to improve the formative plans with projects of greater quality.


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How to Cite
López García X. (2009). Tendencias en la formación de los periodistas en los ámbitos hispanos y lusófonos en el siglo XXI. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 15, 295-313. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESMP/article/view/ESMP0909110295A