Media Narratives on the indigenous Equatorian mobilization: Peace or conflict?

Keywords: journalism, peace, conflict, stigmatization, well informing


This paper analyses 180 discourses that are taken from a sample of 1274 news stories that the Ecuadorian media published during the 2019 and 2022 social protests. It focuses on the framing of the "other" as an adversary and the vocabulary used to stigmatize indigenous leaders, noting the persistent involvement of social, political, and journalistic actors whose discourse still shapes Ecuador's media environment today.
Shabir Hussain's (2023) escalatory or de-escalatory methods to media coverage, Umberto Eco's (2013) Construction of the Enemy theory, and Johan Galtung's (2015) paradigm of peace journalism serve as the foundation for the analysis. The national strike media coverage intensifies the phenomenon of information reticence and censorship impeding the presentation of reality, takes a combative stance by spreading ideas linked to terrorism, and shapes the presumption without evidence as a central element of its narrative structure.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Luna Báez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Doctoral student in Communication and Journalism at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and a member of the Laboratory of Prospective and Research in Communications, Culture, and Cooperation (Laprec). It looks into media work, story specificities prompted by high-conflict scenarios, and journalistic practices that promote a culture of peace and respect for variety, as well as social polarization.

Núria Simelio, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, having received an outstanding doctorate award from the same institution in 2006. He has taken part in various publicly financed research projects examining diversity and plural citizenship in the media, public communication, and new forms of democratic involvement based on the Internet and social media. Member of the Prospective and Research Laboratory for Communication, Culture, and Cooperation (Laprec).

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How to Cite
Luna Báez V. y Simelio N. . (2024). Media Narratives on the indigenous Equatorian mobilization: Peace or conflict?. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 30(2), 437-447.
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