The arrival of private channels in the imaginary of spectators. Memories and nostalgia of that television.

  • María del mar Chicharro Universidad de Burgos (España)
  • Fátima Gil-Gascón Universidad de Burgos (España)
Keywords: television, nineties, memories, spectators, pool, depth interview, focus gruoup.


The present research is interested in the appreciation made by television viewers of the nineties. The quality of the programming of that time, the memory of specific programs, the values they spread, as well as the cultural practices associated with their consumption are some of the issues that are intended to be recovered. The material of analysis material used will be the memories of that television stage, which have been obtained throwugh their own field work, which includes quantitative techniques (the survey) and qualitative techniques (the discussion group and the in-depth interview). The results indicate that positive ratings dominate the memory of that period, although there are also some shadows that spectators tend to rescue with benevolence. The work recovers television milestones and points out some of the contradictions in the appreciation of the contents, which shows how the nostalgia effect tends to soften the memory.


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How to Cite
Chicharro M. d. m. y Gil-Gascón F. (2020). The arrival of private channels in the imaginary of spectators. Memories and nostalgia of that television. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 26(2), 461-472.