Representation of homelessness in the Colombian digital press: the intervention of ‘el Bronx’ (2016) and its coverage in ‘El Tiempo’

  • James León Parra-Monsalve Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Keywords: homeless people, El Tiempo, Bogotá, Discourse Analysis


In 2016, the Bogota City Hall, in Colombia advanced an operation in a sector of the city that housed different criminal activities for years. Sector attended by people who spent the night or lived in those streets of the capital. This operation increased the news coverage and the opinion on matters related to it. One of them, of interest for this work, about homeless people, which were represented in a certain way. Based on a corpus of 102 news and opinion articles, edited by the newspaper El Tiempo during the month after the operation, it analyzes the media discourse on this type of population. It reveals the hegemony of official discourse in the information published, thus contributing to the maintenance of the stigma on a population that requires a better understanding by society, as a preliminary stage for the integral treatment of the problem.


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How to Cite
León Parra-Monsalve J. (2020). Representation of homelessness in the Colombian digital press: the intervention of ‘el Bronx’ (2016) and its coverage in ‘El Tiempo’. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 26(1), 265-274.