The television genres and the time-shifted audience in Spain: fiction defeats current affairsx

  • Jorge Gallardo-Camacho Universidad Camilo José Cela (España)
  • Eva Lavín Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (España)
Keywords: Time-shifted audiences; television genres; television studies; video on demand.


In this research, we analyze the most powerful television shows in the time-shifted audience regarding their linear or live broadcast in Spain. We propose two hypotheses: the H1 affirms that the most consumed genres, according to time-shifted audience, are those related to fiction instead of current affairs shows, entertainment or live events; the H2 affirms that the fiction contents get the highest percentage of increase of their traditional audience after adding their time-shifted audience. Both hypotheses will be demonstrated through a methodology based on the analysis of the 10 most watched shows (between time-shifted audience) every day for 9 months and reaching a sample of 2,750 shows. Finally, we propose in this article the first classification of the most consumed television genres in Spain according to their time-shifted audience.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Gallardo-Camacho, Universidad Camilo José Cela (España)

Eva Lavín, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (España)

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How to Cite
Gallardo-Camacho J. y Lavín E. (2019). The television genres and the time-shifted audience in Spain: fiction defeats current affairsx. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 25(1), 165-179.