On the pragma-linguistic tools of discourse analysis

  • Joanna Will-Racieska Universidad de Silesia (Polonia)
Keywords: Poliitcal discourse, argumentation, persuasion, political language, communication.


The goal of this paper is to present a pragmalinguístic tools for analyzing and evaluating the true message that the public discourse (media, political, etc.) transmits, and not the speaker’s intention. We propose a brief analysis of the manipulation of pragmalinguístic rules and some infractions intentional or notof the basic textual cohesion rules that appear in the speeches made in the press and television. First we will focus on the definitions and methodology (the pragmalinguistic approach to the theory of argumentation and discourse analysis) that will be useful in this work and, finally, we will use them in the analytical part.


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How to Cite
Will-Racieska J. (2014). On the pragma-linguistic tools of discourse analysis. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 20(2), 1249-1265. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ESMP.2014.v20.n2.47065
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