The application of informative and interpretive genres in political get togethers of the Intereconomía Group

  • Marta Rico Jerez Universidad Camilo José Cela
Keywords: Political get togethers, news genres, interpretive genres, review genres, Intereconomia Group


This article is part of the results of research conducted by the author entitled “Intereconomía: From local radio specialized in economy and finances to multimedia group with political news as centre of its activity”. One of the conclusions obtained in this work is that the symbiosis between opinion and information is not only a feature of news programs, it also happens in programs traditionally called “review”. For example, the gatherings. Therefore, the qualitative methodology and the quantitative methodology were used, since a review of literature on the subject of study and a content analysis of the political gahterings of Intereconomia Group were made.


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How to Cite
Rico Jerez M. (2014). The application of informative and interpretive genres in political get togethers of the Intereconomía Group. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 20(2), 873-884.