Analysis and Evaluation of Basics Issues about Groups of Communication Research in Spain

  • Emma Torres Romay Universidad de Vigo
  • Diana Ramahí García Universidad de Vigo
Keywords: research groups, communication, lines of research


The structure of research groups in our country has always been a mystery. The groups arise by personal initiatives linked to research centers, faculties or departments and in some cases is really complex to be able to count on census date of the same. Groups are created to work on specific research projects or in response to the organizational needs or academic promotion of time, and this may be abandoned soon after. This reality, which is common to all the Spanish University, seems to be more evident in the field of knowledge of the communication. Faced with this situation, the last year began a research work which was to identify and learn about the research groups in communication related to the major universities of the country. In a first phase was carried out a stay to enter in contact with the center of greater size, the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This was taken as a starting point of the project that was extended from there to other universities.


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How to Cite
Torres Romay E. y Ramahí García D. (2013). Analysis and Evaluation of Basics Issues about Groups of Communication Research in Spain. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 481-490.