European Higher Education Area (EHEA) adaptation in audiovisual subjects in journalism area: challenges and opportunities

  • Gloria Rosique Cedillo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
Keywords: European Higher Education Area (EHEA), Teaching, Methodology, University.


Starting from the educational institutions efforts from adapt their olds curricula to the European Higher Education guidelines, the following article seeks to highlight some experiences obtained by the University Carlos III of Madrid, pioneer of this university reform. In order to identify the main concerns arising from the EHEA implementation from 20082009 school years, also the challenges, demands and areas for improvement in subsequent courses, it have conducted interviews to the professoriate and surveys to students. This article will show the analysis case of two audiovisual journalism subjects that are currently part of the Journalism Degree in the UC3M.


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How to Cite
Rosique Cedillo G. (2013). European Higher Education Area (EHEA) adaptation in audiovisual subjects in journalism area: challenges and opportunities. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 429-437.