Who got more opinion leadership during the consecration of La Sagrada Família, the Pope or the Temple?

  • Enric Ordeix Rigó Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Ferrán Lalueza Bosch Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Keywords: Simbolism, opinion lieadership, Public Relations, legitimacy, newsworthiness.


The consecration of the Cathedral of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona by Benedict XVI on November 7, 2010, marked a public and media discussion about its suitability for their cost and logistics. This research is an analysis to ascertain the reasons and arguments of newsworthiness of the contents included in the major print Catalan, Spanish and international media. The opinion leadership, representation, the media debate and legitimacy associated with identity and values, are the key indicators to justify the disparity of views on the treatment of information concerning the consecration of the Cathedral, published by of the main media the day after.


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How to Cite
Ordeix Rigó E. y Lalueza Bosch F. (2013). Who got more opinion leadership during the consecration of La Sagrada Família, the Pope or the Temple?. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 351-359. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ESMP.2013.v19.42042