Communicative Change in the New Didactic Methodologies

  • David Méndez Coca Centro Universitario Villanueva (UCM)
  • Pedro García-Alonso Montoya Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Keywords: communication, learning, cooperative, technologies.


The communicative classically understood, informative or educational act, consists of an issuer, a recipient, a modal and a channel by which there is transmitted the message coded in a code (Jakobson, 1963). We have realized a review of the different didactic methodologies that are developing at present, so much in areas of sciences as of letters. Of this review we can conclude that the traditional methodology is most used today and it follows the communicative traditional act, the teacher is the issuer, the student is the recipient and the message is the explanation of the teacher. Nevertheless, it is possible conclude also that the new methodologies do that the student assumes the active role, as principal actor of the process of education and learning.


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How to Cite
Méndez Coca D. y García-Alonso Montoya P. (2013). Communicative Change in the New Didactic Methodologies. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 299-308.