The Quality of a Website as a Communication Tool

  • David Grávalos Macho Universidad Europea de Madrid
Keywords: Persuasive communication, SEO, SEM, Web Positioning, Accessibility, Usability, Information Architecture, Web Design.


In order to create and manage a Website as a persuasive communication tool, the most important and useful method begins by identifying and excluding all business models based on the Web. Using logical arguments, all of the quality indicators dealing with strategic and tactical aspects in terms of managing a Website will be given. The communicators’ main task is to detect and assess such indicators in order to improve a particular Website or compare various sites. The main objective of the communicators should be to think about those aspects necessary for a Website and why they are needed. This reflection leaves open necessary lines of action for their proper use and analysis, which will be developed separately.


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How to Cite
Grávalos Macho D. (2013). The Quality of a Website as a Communication Tool. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 253-261.