The Transition to DTT and Current Outlook to Local Television Broadcasters Panorama in the Basque Country

  • Leire Gómez Rubio Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)
Keywords: local television, Euskadi, Basque Country, local DTT, basque audiovisual


Recent digitalization, as well as the global economic crisis, have make become a whole new situation for the local TV on Basque Country, both in the broadcasting station amount and on the activity they usually develop and the way they do it. At the same time, great communication media have finally displayed their lack of interest on the local audiovisual market. As a result, on last times the closures and shutdown of many broadcasting stations, even of those with a longer trajectory on the development of local audiovisual, live together with new experiences of net or web broadcasting.


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How to Cite
Gómez Rubio L. (2013). The Transition to DTT and Current Outlook to Local Television Broadcasters Panorama in the Basque Country. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19, 243-251.