The Social Responsibility of mass media in facing up social conflicts and natural disasters

  • Luis Felipe Solano Santos Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: journalism, social responsibility, conflict, natural disaster


What degree of social responsibility concerns to the media in facing up events of extraordinary dimensions as natural disasters or conflicts of all kinds? This article aims to analyze and determinate the quantum of social responsibility concerned to the mass media in the coverage of those kinds of acts and facts whose scale gives them a character of universal significance, and, of course, its consequences. That is, the social responsibility of journalism that involves not only objective information about what happened, but also offer a matching perspective of the set of ideas, values and beliefs that make up a particular society at a given time.


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How to Cite
Solano Santos L. F. (2012). The Social Responsibility of mass media in facing up social conflicts and natural disasters. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18(2), 613-622.