The ‘Right of Flight’ as a Political Movement

  • Lucía Benítez Eyzaguirre Universidad de Cádiz
Keywords: The ‘Right of flight’, mobility, mobilization, communication, subjectivity


The ‘right of flight’, as an way out from the objective conditions of exploitation, feeds on the communication dynamics that, in its opening, draw new horizons and possibilities of life, according to the mode of production of the subjectivities. The mobility, in a world where it is less and less necessary, because of the multiple forms of connection, is now increasingly a political form of expression of social energy. A rebellion which strongly questions the ankylosing systems and structures of power, a mode of resistance to control and to the objective conditions of life. A rebellion that demands to draw a new geopolitics from the autonomy and empowerment, through unforeseen paths, in search of the rights and the visibility that it only knows from the margins.


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How to Cite
Benítez Eyzaguirre L. (2012). The ‘Right of Flight’ as a Political Movement. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 18(1), 15-30.