The Presence of God in the Interpretation of the Psalms by Cyril of Alexandria


Cyril of Alexandria’s interpretation for the Psalms shows how the presence of the Triune God beautifies lives of believers in Him. God helps people to get rid of the sadness and the problems and to find true peace and happiness in their life. God hears the prayers of the righteous people and responds to their requests. Cyril explains that glorious praise of virtuous life and the rewards of God for this have great enjoyment and resplendent office for every human who believed in God. The angels can see the face of God but people can see only the light of His face. When Cyril says face of God, he means the spiritual view of all that exist on earth and light of the face is the partial knowledge of all these. The beauty of God's presence is a paradise that removes the only real death, the death of the soul. The lives of human beings without God like as image’s colors which fade. Unlike that the existence of God gives hope and anticipates the life of people. Cyril insists that the presence of God into humans’ life brings peace and love. The tarnished humanity (metastichionetai), changes again in immortality and takes its original beauty, after having expelled the sin and with it death.





Come citare
Artemi, Eirini. 2021. «The Presence of God in the Interpretation of the Psalms by Cyril of Alexandria». De Medio Aevo 2, nº 1: 153-68.

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