Concepts et conceptualisation en Didactique des Langues: Pour une épistémologie disciplinaire.

  • Ch. Puren
Keywords: Epistemology Tite didactics offoreign languages and cultures Pragmatistic paradigm Human sciences


This article tries to outline the epistemological bases of an internal theorization on the didacties of foreign languages and cultures, inspired mainly by the models proposed by Abraham A. Moles, for human sciences, and by A.M. ¡-luberman & MB. Miles for the qualitative analysjs of social sciences. On such bases, te goal is to abandon the critical paradigm on which the research on the Didáctica, lO, 271-288. Servicio de Publicaciones UCM. Madrid, 1998 272 Christian Puren didacties of languages and cultures has been based up to the present, and use, instead, a pragmatistic paradigm, which seems much more correct from an epistemological point of view, for the specificities of this discipline as well as for the present evolution of the whole body of human sciences.


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How to Cite
Puren C. (1998). Concepts et conceptualisation en Didactique des Langues: Pour une épistémologie disciplinaire. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 10, 271.