El texto literario en la clase de E/LE: propuestas y modelos de uso

  • Khemais Jouini
Keywords: Didactics S/FL, Literary text, Explotation, Proposal, Use models, Didactique E/LE, Texte littéraire, Exploitation, Propositions, Modèlesd'utilisation


Literary texts reveal to be a didactic instrument of wide possibilities, but they are usually exploited only from the point of view of grammar. This article examines the most convenient way of using literary texts in a class of Spanish as a Foreign Language and presents an inventory of activities that promote the development of the linguistic aspects within the four language skills in integrative way. Thus, incorporating/integrating the teaching of certain grammatical aspects within practical exercises of reading, analysis, conversation, reflection and writing will reinforce the learning of the language in different levels. To illustrate this, we present two examples of didactic exploitation that use the literary text as a means for communicative use of language. We hope this proposal will encourage the generalization of these didactical practices based on literary texts in classes of Spanish as a Foreign Language.


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How to Cite
Jouini K. . (2008). El texto literario en la clase de E/LE: propuestas y modelos de uso. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 20, 149-176. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/DIDA/article/view/DIDA0808110149A