The Integration of Cultural Diversity in the Initial Training of Foreign Language Teachers in Spain: a Content Analysis

Keywords: foreign language teaching, initial teacher training, intercultural competence, antidiscriminatory education, content analysis


This study examines the initial training of foreign language teachers in Primary Education in Spain, focusing on the integration of cultural diversity and intercultural competence, and its relationship with inclusive and antidiscriminatory education in the curricula. It is grounded in Michael Byram's theoretical framework on intercultural communicative competence, using a qualitative content analysis methodology. A total of 499 foreign language teaching guides from all Spanish public universities were reviewed, focusing on the foreign language didactics subjects of the academic year 2021-22. The results indicate that approximately a quarter of the subjects in the teaching guides’ competencies address cultural and linguistic diversity in the initial training of teachers, which could contribute to promoting inclusion and reducing discrimination in classrooms. However, there is a discrepancy observed in their incorporation into the contents covered. This study addresses a relevant research gap regarding the preparation of future teachers to foster interculturality in classrooms, thus contributing to the development of antidiscriminatory frameworks in transcultural contexts.


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How to Cite
Gómez Sánchez T. F. y Bobadilla Pérez M. . (2024). The Integration of Cultural Diversity in the Initial Training of Foreign Language Teachers in Spain: a Content Analysis. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 36(Especial), 157-168.