¿La identidad visual corporativa de un bufete transmite todos sus intangibles? Un caso práctico: Garrigues

  • Juan Pedro Molina Cañabate
Keywords: Visual corporative identity, Communication, Legal profession, Intangibles


It’s beyond question the strategic value of visual corporative identity. However, we must to ask if is valid for very specific professional sectors, in which the Communication must be treat with special caution. One of these sectors is legal profession, trade wich is based on professional secret and whose Publicity is subject to hard limits. Can the corporative identity to transmit very specific intangibles as secret professional, ethic, specialization, humanism or specialities as fiscality? The analysis of the corporative image of one of the most important law firm of the world (Garrigues) will shed light on this topic.


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How to Cite
Molina Cañabate J. P. (2008). ¿La identidad visual corporativa de un bufete transmite todos sus intangibles? Un caso práctico: Garrigues. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 21, 1-1. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ARAB/article/view/ARAB0808330001B