Análisis económico de la evolución de las audiencias de los medios tradicionales e impacto de Internet en su consumo

  • Julio Larrañaga Rubio
Keywords: Audience, Media demand, Television, Newspaper, Radio, Internet, Online content


In recent years a gradual change in the habits of media consumption are taking place in different countries. This trend is reinforced as an increasing number of people use Internet in their daily lives. In addition to this one should consider the structural demographic changes and the socio-economic setting of the population in Spain that strengthen the way audiences vary according to the user’s age and social status. The impact of Internet shifts in relation to each media, differing likewise the level of implementation of different forms of online TV, press and radio. On the other hand, the off-line type of audiences in such media in Spain registers also a high diversity.


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How to Cite
Larrañaga Rubio J. (2008). Análisis económico de la evolución de las audiencias de los medios tradicionales e impacto de Internet en su consumo. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 21, 1-1.