Digital Communication Strategy in the Fashion Franchise Sector. The Zara Case on Facebook

  • Alba-María Martínez-Sala Universidad de Alicante
  • Jesús Segarra-Saavedra Universidad de Alicante
  • Carmen Cristófol Rodríguez Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Digital Communication; Strategy; Facebook; Franchise; Fashion; Social Networks


Research on social networks in the field of fashion franchises reveals a need for guidelines in communication management that serve the development of efficient digital communication strategies following the relational and collaborative paradigm. To this end, this research aims to infer the features of the communication strategy of one of the most internationally representative brands in the analysed sector: Zara. The methodology proposed is descriptive and combines the bibliographic review with a quantitative content analysis to study the evolution of the brand’s communication strategy. The results reveal a clearly defined adaptative strategy which, together with the results obtained in terms of user interaction, validate it as a reference model. Finally, a series of guidelines for communication management on Facebook for fashion brands aimed at stakeholders with a similar profile to those of the analysed brand is proposed.


Author Biographies

Alba-María Martínez-Sala, Universidad de Alicante

Unversidad de  Alicante. Departamento de  Comunicación y Psicología Social. Profesora Asociada (Acreditada a  Contratada Doctora).

Instituto Mediterráneo de  Estudios de  Protocolo. Máster Oficial en Organización de Eventos, Protocolo y Relaciones Institucionales. Profesora

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, Universidad de Alicante

Unversidad de  Alicante. Departamento de  Comunicación y Psicología Social. Profesor Asociado (Acreditado a Contratado Doctor).

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Profesor asociado (Acreditado a Contratado Doctor).

Carmen Cristófol Rodríguez, Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de Málaga. Profesora asociada (Acreditada a Contratada Doctora).
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How to Cite
Martínez-Sala A.-M., Segarra-Saavedra J. y Cristófol Rodríguez C. (2019). Digital Communication Strategy in the Fashion Franchise Sector. The Zara Case on Facebook. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 19(2), 145-162.