Posmodernism; Crisis? What Crisis?

  • Carmen Azpurgua García-Jalón Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Crisis, Posmodernism, Neo-baroque, Multiplex cinema, Metamodernism.


The present article proposes a revision of the film look around the crisis of postmodernity. Taking the analysis of prominent postmodern sociologists as a starting point, the dominant film trends of the 80s and 90s are reviewed to verify, finally, the absence of a sufficiently critical position in the face of the crisis of postmodern society. In addition, the work deals with the experimentation of a turn in this tendency at the beginning of the millennium, expressed in the multiplex cinema as an exponent of this change. Finally, it concludes with the continuation of this turn and the appearance of a new social sensibility in the cinematographic creation, characterized by the epic renaissance and neo-romanticism as predominant notes


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Author Biography

Carmen Azpurgua García-Jalón, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Programa de doctorado en Humanidades: Lenguaje y Cultura

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How to Cite
Azpurgua García-Jalón C. (2018). Posmodernism; Crisis? What Crisis?. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 18(2), 233-244. https://doi.org/10.5209/ARAB.58637