Source Musicalization of Crisis in 40s Hollywood Film Noir Genre. Classical Music as a Sign of Conflict

  • Judith Helvia García Martín Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: film noir, Hollywood, 40s, source music, classical music, crisis


The state of crisis is inherent in . It is represented in a genre that was nourished by the cultural baggage of several directors whose Central European origin and Jewish ancestry conditioned the narrative and aesthetic resources that would be used to capture the drama and anguish of film noir. One of the key elements of representation of these crises was music, both incidental and diegetic. Due to the eminently realistic nature of this cinema, we will focus on the second and, specifically, the so called classical music. After viewing fifty films from the Golden Age of film noir in Hollywood, we observed that this music is used as an element of representation of cultural, social and personal crises, and its functional use plays a crucial role in the survival of the interpretative musical canon, as well as the values associated with its meaning.


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Author Biography

Judith Helvia García Martín, Universidad de Salamanca

Profesora Ayudante Doctora en el Dpto. de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, plástica y Corporal (Universidad de Salamanca).

Docencia: Música en España, Música y medios de comunicación, Introducción a la Musicología, Musicoterapia

Investigación: Música en España (ss. XVIII y XIX, música en series de televisión


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How to Cite
García Martín J. H. (2018). Source Musicalization of Crisis in 40s Hollywood Film Noir Genre. Classical Music as a Sign of Conflict. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 18(3), 389-407.