The New Advertising, A New Integrating Process

  • Celia Rangel ESIC Business & Marketing School
  • Mª José Carretero Velasco ESIC Business & Marketing School
Keywords: The paradigm of advertising communication is changing. It is not only a matter of adapting to the media that is being born and to the emergence of new technologies, it is a matter of giving answers to a new consumer, a new reality, to a world that is satu


The paradigm of advertising communication is changing. It is not only a matter of adapting to the media that is being born and to the emergence of new technologies; it is a matter of giving answers to a new consumer, a new reality; to a world that is saturated by messages: an integral and integrated answer. Far from the menace that many perceive in new technologies, in this study we can see that, when well employed, such new technologies become the best ally for companies and agencies which now have very powerful tools at their disposal to efficiently connect with the public. The campaigns subject to study are an example of that. Beyond its creative brilliance, it is proved that this kind of integrated communication works, achieves its goals or even surpasses them. As we can notice, a new complicated and exciting era begins, in which nothing is written beforehand.


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Author Biographies

Celia Rangel, ESIC Business & Marketing School

Doctora en Gestión de Marcas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Docente en ESIC Business & Marketing School. Correo electrónico:

Mª José Carretero Velasco, ESIC Business & Marketing School
Doctorando en planificación estratégica y nuevos modelos publicitarios por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Docente en ESIC Business & Marketing School. Correo electrónico:
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How to Cite
Rangel C. y Carretero Velasco M. J. (2017). The New Advertising, A New Integrating Process. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 17(3), 367-393.