Dr. House and Mr. Holmes. Enigma, Death and Truth in a Postmodern Hero

  • Andrés Peláez Paz Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Television, TV series, House, Sherlock Holmes, postmodernism, pastiche, hero, Arthur Conan Doyle.


Within the large group of series that have made possible the formulation of a possible "new golden age of television series" House, M. D. is possibly one of the most representative and most successful. We try to analyze in this article one of the key factors for its popularity: the recreation of a mythic archetype with an eye to its original model, the literary detective Sherlock Holmes. By textual comparison between the character depicted in the television series and the character described by Arthur Conan Doyle, we find some of the essential features that define the postmodern narrative television and reflected in the narrative system proposed by the American series.


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How to Cite
Peláez Paz A. (2013). Dr. House and Mr. Holmes. Enigma, Death and Truth in a Postmodern Hero. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 13(2), 45-69. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARAB.2013.v34.n2.42621