The Sales Promotion in the Newspaper: Weaknesses and Opportunities. Compared Study of Four Daily of Malaga and Alicante

  • Gloria Santiago Méndez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Alicia de Lara González Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Keywords: advertising, press, promotion, marketing


The sales promotion sold together with the newspaper have become a fundamental element of the sales strategy of most journals. However, in recent years, due to saturation between products in the newsstand, and the lack of strategy after its launch, among other factors related to the crisis of traditional media, the tool begins to show signs of failure to motivate sales. To conclude the extent to which sales promotion launched by the marketing departments of the headers are a strategic rightly or ineffective, this research analyzes the developments served in 2010 by four local headers of Alicante and Malaga. The provincial press offers some variation of interest concerning the use of sales promotion strategy to bring the reader closer to the products of the local idiosyncrasies common to the publication itself. The study is complemented with opinions of marketing managers headers to provide an overview of the tool features both real and what is expected of it. While it provides a snapshot of the use of this technique for other sectors outside the journalistic world that allows the comparison of the shares. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to point out certain shortcomings that prevail in the implementation of sales promotion that accompany the local daily and offer proposals for action to revitalize the strategy.


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How to Cite
Santiago Méndez G. y de Lara González A. (2012). The Sales Promotion in the Newspaper: Weaknesses and Opportunities. Compared Study of Four Daily of Malaga and Alicante. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 12(3), 2.