Technopolitics, recent global social movements, and the Internet. A decade of citizen protests

Keywords: social media, mediation, social movements, political communication, information and communication technologies (TIC)


This work aims to problematize the links between technology and politics as a differentiating element in the definition of recent global social movements (RMSG). This category is proposed from a new scientific discipline: technopolitics. The citizen protests that emerged in 2011 cannot be understood without the role played by the Internet, social media and private messaging services. These digital tools were key in its strategic, and identity configuration. With the aim to go beyond the theory of social movements that has dominated in recent decades, the epistemic category of RMSG is proposed. In this article, by means of a qualitative methodology, the foundation of this new concept is analyzed. The main conclusion which has been reached is that RMSG have in common a series of generational, digital and global components and technopolitics is essential to analyze them.


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Author Biography

Salomé Sola-Morales, Universidad de Sevilla

Salomé Sola-Morales holds a PhD in Media, Communication and Culture by the University of Barcelona (Spain), where she has been researcher and teacher since 2007 to 2013, and in the International University of Catalonia during 2013. She is currently Associate Professor at the School of Journalism at the University de Santiago de Chile. She is Lecturer of Theory of Communication IV and Seminar of Degree I and II, and School Research Coordinator. She has been also Visiting Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (2014) and at the Universidad de Sevilla (2016), where has been taught at the Master of Communication and Culture. She has been main researcher of Dicyt Project on Political Identity, Participation and Youth and co-researcher of the Chilean team in the international project “The World of Journalism Project”. Her articles and essays on identity, body, politics and their relationship with the media have been published in magazines, such as Cultura, Language and Representation, Doxa Communication, IC Journal, History and Social CommunicationMediaciones SocialesTabula Rasa, Chasqui, Athenea, Poliantea, Estudosem Comunicaçao, Ars Brevis or Cinta de Moebio and by publishers, such as Peter Lang and Praeger/ABC-CLIO California.

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How to Cite
Sola-Morales S. y Gómez J. S. (2020). Technopolitics, recent global social movements, and the Internet. A decade of citizen protests. Teknokultura. Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements, 17(2), 194-203.