The appropiation of school yard space: the Changable Titling

  • Florencia Finger Chouhy Investigadora independiente
Keywords: school space, ways of appropriation, children as co-etnographers


This article addresses the process and results shaped in an ethnographic research on various ways of space appropriation in a school yard in Madrid. Children from 8 to 11 years old participated as co-ethnographers. The data shows two ways of constructing, negotiating and interacting with and in the school space. On one hand an area known as the field, where agents were unable to produce changes or alterations, since the use of this space was tacitly understood to be institutionally determined. On the other hand a non-field area where agents name places and activities, alter and modify elements and generate diversity, sense of belonging and multiples and dynamic identifications.

The feed-back was presented at a student’s assembly on 2016-2017 school year to report on the research data and gather proposals in order to modify and improve the school yard for 2017-2018 school year.


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How to Cite
Finger Chouhy F. (2020). The appropiation of school yard space: the Changable Titling. Sociedad e Infancias, 4, 69-85.