Children Rights and Global Citizenship: an Approach from the educational Community

  • Aida Urrea Monclús Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Jordi L. Coiduras Rodríguez Universidad de Lleida
  • Carles Alsinet Mora Universidad de Lleida
  • M. Àngels Balsells Bailón Universidad de Lleida
  • Ignacio Guadix García UNICEF Comité Español
  • Oscar Belmonte Castell UNICEF Comité Español
Keywords: Children Rights, global Citizenship, educational Community, Rights-based Approach, Child Participation.


The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is a key tool for children's and adolescent's education. It should be considered as a universal frame of reference which contributes to children's training for exercising their citizenship rights. However, very little is known about how the children's rights and global citizenship are integrated into the Spanish educational system. The present research aims at identifying the cognitive, methodological and attitudinal dimensions of the educational community training needs related to the CRC. The qualitative study involved 124 people who represented the educational community (students, teachers, parents). They participated in 14 focus groups which were carried out in 11 Autonomous Communities throughout Spain. The content analysis of the data shows a limited alignment of the CRC in educational institutions, as well as a partial knowledge of it by the members of the educational community. Needs are identified in the lack of teaching-learning strategies of educators for encouraging children’s autonomy and participation. Finally, the difficulty of positioning children and adolescents as subjects of rights with faculties to exercise their citizenship was noticed.


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Author Biography

Aida Urrea Monclús, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Investigadora Postdoctoral del Departamento de Pedagogía Sistemática y Social en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Investigadora en proyectos financiados por UNICEF Comité Español

Miembro del grupo IARS (Ingancia y Adolescencia en Riesgo Social) de la UAB.

Miembro del grupo GRISIJ (Grupo de Investigación en Intervenciones Socioeducativas en la Infancia y la Juventud) de la UdL y UB.

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How to Cite
Urrea Monclús A., Coiduras Rodríguez J. L., Alsinet Mora C., Balsells Bailón M. À., Guadix García I. y Belmonte Castell O. (2018). Children Rights and Global Citizenship: an Approach from the educational Community. Sociedad e Infancias, 2, 127-146.