Una investigación en torno a las concepciones sobre Alimentación en futuros profesores

  • Coral González Barberá
  • Maximiliano Rodrigo Vega
  • José Manuel Ejeda Manzanera
Keywords: Education for health, Teacher training, Nutrition education


The researched students (future teachers who choose to attend to a Nutrition subject) they better associate the food with their nutrients than with they dietetics functions. Therefore they difficult associate calico and iron as Minerals and the dietetic fibre as Carbohydrate. Regarding to the previous nutrition education they mostly consider it like out of school knowledge . The biggest motivation in order to face dietetics issues is related to health. Although not even the third of the researched students is really concerned about his diet.


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How to Cite
González Barberá C. ., Rodrigo Vega M. y Ejeda Manzanera J. M. . (2010). Una investigación en torno a las concepciones sobre Alimentación en futuros profesores. Revista Complutense de Educación, 21(1), 189-207. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCED/article/view/RCED1010120189A